
Project Information

Turning the Corner for Safety and Economic Vitality

Highlighting Phases 7 and 8

Highway 8

US 12/SR 124 Intersection      Build Interchange - $21.3 million

PHASE 1       McNary Pool to Attalia - $10.8 million
PHASE 2       SR 124 to McNary Pool - $12.1 million
PHASE 3       Attalia Vicinity - $16.0 million
PHASE 4       Wallula Junction to Walla Walla Corridor Study - $5.1 million
PHASE 5       Attalia Vicinity to US 730 - Preliminary Design Only - $0.8 million
PHASE 6       Frenchtown Vicinity to Walla Walla - $51.6 million
PHASE 7       Nine Mile Hill to Frenchtown Vicinity - (Est. $164.8 million) Under Construction 2020-2023
PHASE 8       Wallula to Nine Mile Hill - (Est. $195.0)  Partially Funded

US 12 - Wallula to Frenchtown Vicinity - Add Lanes

Four-laning US Highway 12 (Phases 7 and 8)

phase7-8conceptClick to enlarge

Corridor study background and history
The US 12 Wallula to Walla Walla corridor study originally considered alignment alternatives and documented environmental impacts for a new four-lane highway from Wallula to Walla Walla. When a portion of the funding became available, WSDOT designed and built the section of US 12, from Frenchtown vicinity to Walla Walla (Phase 6). Using the remaining funding from the corridor study, WSDOT developed a recommendation for the final location from Wallula to Frenchtown vicinity, and finalized the environmental documentation. The new four-lane highway will be north of the existing US 12 highway.

Nine Mile Hill to Frenchtown Vicinity (Phase 7)
Phase 7 is the portion of the project that is north of the communities of Touchet and Lowden. There will be four intersections with local roads in this section. They are from west to east: Nine Mile Hill, Touchet North Road, Woodward Canyon Road, and Lower Dry Creek Road. The intersections will have acceleration and deceleration lanes to both the eastbound and westbound US 12 traffic. The median at these intersections will be 100 feet wide, to allow trucks to stop between the eastbound and westbound lanes and wait for the next lanes to clear before traveling the rest of the way across the new highway.
Cummins Road and Nibler Road will end in cul-de-sacs north and south of the new highway. An equipment undercrossing will be constructed at Cummins Road to allow for farming equipment to travel between north and south Cummins Road. The proposed highway will cross the Touchet River and the Dry Creek floodplains. The crossings will be designed to not impede a storm with a 100-year frequency.

Wallula to Nine Mile Hill (Phase 8)
Phase 8 will complete the four-laning roadway from Burbank to Walla Walla, connecting at existing US 12 near Boise Inc. at Wallula. WSDOT will build the roadway north of the Walla Walla River, Wallula. WSDOT will also construct an interchange at the new junction of US 730 and US 12.

What are the next steps?
The US Highway 12 coalition secured federal funds to begin design of Phase 7 from Nine Mile Hill to the Frenchtown vicinity. WSDOT is preparing right of way plans and has partial funding to acquire right of way between Nine Mile Hill and Woodward Canyon. Additional funding will be needed to complete the contract plans and finish right of way acquisition.
WSDOT is considering using the Design/Build process to complete Phase 7. Using this process a company or group of companies, including designers and builders, would submit bids for the opportunity to finish the design and build the Phase 7 as one project. WSDOT would oversee the process and ensure the final highway meets the needs of the land owners and the traveling public. Currently, there is no funding for the design of construction of Phase 8.

Recording the environmental process.
The Environmental Assessment (EA) for Phases 7 and 8 was completed in February 2010. The NEPA decision document, of Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), was completed in September 2010. These documents record the evaluation process used to select the preferred alternative for Phases 7 and 8.


The project is being funded and constructed in phases.

Phase 1 - COMPLETED - July 2004
Four-laning McNary pool to Attalia
Total Project Cost.......$10.8 million
Phase 2 - COMPLETED - Nov 2005
Four-laning SR 124 to McNary Pool 
Total Project Cost.......$12.1 million 

Phase 3 - COMPLETED - Sept 2007
Four-laning Attalia Vicinity
Total Project Cost.......$16.0 million

Phase 4 - COMPLETED - February 2010
Wallula Junction to Walla Walla Corridor Study
Total Project Cost.......$5.1 million

Phase 5 - COMPLETED - February 2010
Attalia Vicinity to US 730 - Preliminary Design Only
Total Cost.......$0.8 million

Phase 6 - COMPLETED - July 2010
Four-laning Frenchtown Vicinity to Walla Walla
Est. Total Project Cost....$51.6 million

US 12/SR 124 Intersection - COMPLETED - May 2012
Build new interchange at US 12 and SR 124, Build new overpass at Humorist Rd. 
Est. Total Project Cost....$21.3 million


Phase 7 - FULLY FUNDED - Construction Begins 2020
Estimated Project Cost $159.5 million
(Funded by 2015 Connecting Washington Transportation Funding Package)
Pre-existing Funds $5.3 million
Four-lane Nine Mile Hill to Frenchtown Vicinity
*Est. Total Project Cost....$164.8 million

Phase 8 - Design & Right-of-way PARTIALLY FUNDED
Design & Right-of-way - Partially Funded $9.3 million
(Funded by 2015 Connecting Washington Transportation Funding Package)
Final Design & Construction-Unfunded $185.7 million
Four-lane Wallula to Nine Mile Hill 
Build interchange at US 12 and US 730 
*Est. Total Project Cost....$195 million

*Note: These estimates are total costs for engineering, right of way, and construction, and assume funding becomes available by the end of 2018.

These US Highway 12 projects are funded by the following:

  • 2003 Nickel Gas Tax
  • 2005 Transportation Partnership Account (TPA)
  • Pre-existing Funds
  • Federal Appropriations

To reach the US Highway 12 Coalition contact:

Patrick Reay, Executive Director
Port of Walla Walla/US 12 Coalition

310 A Street
Walla Walla, WA 99362

Phone - (509) 525-3100
E-mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For design information contact:

Bob Hooker, Project Engineer
WSDOT - South Central Region

2809 Rudkin Road
Union Gap, WA 98903

Phone - (509) 577-1760
E-mail - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

us12 logo bw


Please contact us if you would
like more information about the proposed expansion.

Port of Walla Walla
310 "A" Street 
Walla Walla, WA 99362-2269 
Phone - (509) 525-3100 
Fax - (509) 525-3101